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Preview - Viewers & Events

Preview - Viewers & Events

This page describes the preview experience for each file type. It also lists the events you can listen for by viewer type.

Text Viewer

The text viewer renders previews of text files. For code files like py or rb, it uses highlight.js to add syntax highlighting.


The text viewer displays the first 192 KB of text in the file. Additional text is truncated and a notification and download button are appended to the bottom of the preview.

Re-sizing the viewer window will reflow the text to fit the available space and the zoom in and out buttons will increase and decrease font size respectively.

This viewer supports printing and will attempt to print with appropriate syntax highlighting when either print() is invoked or the print button is pressed. Note that printing large files may cause some browsers to freeze for a few seconds.


  • Zoom In
  • Zoom Out
  • Fullscreen: can be exited with the escape key

Supported File Extensions

as, as3as, asmas, batas, cas, ccas, cmakeas, cppas, csas, cssas, cxxas, diffas, erbas, groovyas, has, hamlas, hhas, htmas, htmlas, javaas, jsas, lessas, mas, makeas, mdas, mlas, mmas, phpas, plas, plistas, propertiesas, pyas, rbas, rstas, sassas, scalaas, scriptas, scmas, smlas, sqlas, shas, vias, vimas, webdocas, xhtmlas, yaml,


The text viewer triggers the following events.

Event NameExplanationEvent Data
destroyThe preview is intentionally destroyed
loadThe preview loads1. {string} error (optional): error message
2. {object} file: current file
3. {object} metrics: information from the logger
4. {object} viewer: current viewer
notificationA notification is displayed
navigateThe preview is shown for a given index{object} file
reloadThe preview reloads
resizeThe preview resizes1. {number} height: window height
2. {number} width: window width
zoomThe preview zooms in or out1. {number} zoom: new zoom value
2. {boolean} canZoomIn: true if the viewer can zoom in more
3. {boolean} canZoomOut: true if the viewer can zoom out more
printsuccessAn attempt to print triggered successfully

360 Video Viewer

The 360 video viewer renders a preview of a video stored as an equirectangular projection (often recorded with a 360 camera).


This viewer gives you an interactive view of the 360 degree video.


  • Change the view direction with the left mouse button (single touch on touch-enabled device).

VR button

When using a browser that supports WebVR and a suitable VR device is attached to your computer, a VR button will be available to allow toggling in and out of VR mode.


Currently, this previewer requires that the file be named with a .360 preceding the file extension. This is so that Preview SDK knows to run this viewer rather than the standard video preview.

Supported File Extensions

360.3g2, 360.3gp, 360.avi, 360.m2v, 360.m2ts, 360.m4v, 360.mkv,, 360.mp4, 360.mpeg, 360.mpg, 360.mts, 360.qt, 360.wmv


The 360 video viewer triggers the following events.

Event NameExplanationEvent Data
destroyThe preview is intentionally destroyed
loadThe preview loads1. {string} error (optional): error message
2. {object} file: current file
3. {object} metrics: information from the logger
4. {object} viewer: current viewer
notificationA notification is displayed
navigateThe preview is shown for a given index{object} file
reloadThe preview reloads
resizeThe preview resizes1. {number} height: window height
2. {number} width: window width

SWF Viewer

The SWF viewer uses SWFObject to embed SWF files.


If the user has the Adobe Flash Player plugin, SWFObject will embed the SWF file and allow the plugin to render relevant content.

Note that all network requests made by the flash content will be blocked due to security constraints, so any content that requires network connectivity will not be rendered.

Supported File Extensions

  • swf


The SWF viewer triggers the following events.

Event NameExplanationEvent Data
destroyThe preview is intentionally destroyed
loadThe preview loads1. {string} error (optional): error message
2. {object} file: current file
3. {object} metrics: information from the logger
4. {object} viewer: current viewer
notificationA notification is displayed
navigateThe preview is shown for a given index{object} file
reloadThe preview reloads
resizeThe preview resizes1. {number} height: window height
2. {number} width: window width

Presentation viewer

The presentation viewer renders previews of PowerPoint files.


The presentation viewer remembers which slide you were viewing upon closing the preview. The next time that file is opened, you will immediately be brought to that slide. Scrolling the mouse up and down, or swiping up and down on mobile will transition between slides. Zooming in or out will increase or decrease the size of the slide respectively. If the zoom level causes the content to overflow, scrolling the mouse will allow you to scroll around the slide. To return to normal scrolling behavior, the user must zoom out until the overflow is removed.


  • Zoom In
  • Zoom Out
  • Set Page: either with the up and down arrows, or by clicking the page number and entering text
  • Fullscreen: can be exited with the escape key

Supported File Extensions

ppt, pptx, odp


annotationsbooleanOptional. Whether annotations on content are shown. Defaults to false


The presentation viewer triggers the following events.

Event NameExplanationEvent Data
destroyThe preview is intentionally destroyed
loadThe preview loads1. string error (optional): error message
2. object file: current file
3. object metrics: information from the logger
4. object viewer: current viewer
notificationA notification is displayed
navigateThe preview is shown for a given indexobject file
reloadThe preview reloads
resizeThe preview resizes1. number height: window height
2. number width: window width
zoomThe preview zooms in or out1. number zoom: new zoom value
2. boolean canZoomIn: true if the viewer can zoom in more
3. boolean canZoomOut: true if the viewer can zoom out more
pagerenderA page rendersnumber page number of rendered page
pagefocusA page is visiblenumber page number of focused page
scrollstartThe viewer starts to scroll1. number scrollTop: number of pixels scrolled from top of viewport
2. number scrollLeft: number of pixels scrolled from left of viewport
scrollendThe viewer stops scrolling1. number scrollTop: number of pixels scrolled from top of viewport
2. number scrollLeft: number of pixels scrolled from left of viewport

MP4 Viewer

The MP4 viewer renders previews for video files.


The MP4 viewer uses a black background to create a better viewing experience. Volume can be muted or unmuted by clicking the volume icon, or changed by dragging the volume scrubber. The position of the video can be changed by clicking or dragging the playback scrubber.


  • Play/Pause
  • Volume
  • Settings
  • Fullscreen (can be exited with the escape key)


Settings are available through the cog icon in the preview toolbar.

  • Video speed values: 0.25, 0.5, normal (1), 1.25, 1.5, 2.0

Supported File Extensions

3g2, 3gp, avi, m2v, m2ts, m4v, mkv, mov, mp4, mpeg, mpg, ogg, mts, qt, wmv


The MP4 viewer triggers the following events.

Event NameExplanationEvent Data
destroyThe preview is intentionally destroyed
loadThe preview loads1. string error (optional): error message
2. object file: current file
3. object metrics: information from the logger
4. object viewer: current viewer
notificationA notification is displayed
navigateThe preview is shown for a given indexobject file
reloadThe preview reloads
resizeThe preview resizes1. number height: window height
2. number width: window width
speedchangeMedia speed changesstring playback speed
playThe video plays
pauseThe video pauses
seekThe video skips to a timenumber time

MP3 Viewer

The MP3 viewer displays previews for audio files.


Volume can be muted or unmuted by clicking the volume icon, or changed by dragging the volume scrubber. The position of the audio can be changed by clicking or dragging the playback scrubber.


  • Play/Pause
  • Volume
  • Settings


Settings are available through the cog icon in the preview toolbar.

  • Audio Speed: 0.25, 0.5, normal (1), 1.25, 1.5, 2.0

Supported File Extensions

aac, aif, aifc, aiff, amr, au, flac, m4a, mp3, ra, wav, wma


The MP3 viewer triggers the following events.

Event NameExplanationEvent Data
destroyThe preview is intentionally destroyed
loadThe preview loads1. string error (optional): error message
2. object file: current file
3. object metrics: information from the logger
4. object viewer: current viewer
notificationA notification is displayed
navigateThe preview is shown for a given indexobject file
reloadThe preview reloads
resizeThe preview resizes1. number height: window height
2. number width: window width
speedchangeMedia speed changesstring playback speed
playThe video plays
pauseThe video pauses
seekThe video skips to a timenumber time

Office Viewer

The Office viewer renders previews of Microsoft Office documents by embedding an <iframe> of Microsoft's Office Online viewer.


The Office viewer currently supports previews of Excel files using Microsoft Office Online from within the Box Web Application. Support for platform use cases and other Office file formats is in progress.

There are several limitations at the moment:

  • File must be downloadable
  • File size cannot be greater than 5MB
  • File cannot be shared via a Box shared link with a password (shared links without passwords are okay)

Supported File Extensions



The Office viewer triggers the following events.

Event NameExplanationEvent Data
destroyThe preview is intentionally destroyed
loadThe preview loads1. {string} error (optional): error message
2. {object} file: current file
3. {object} metrics: information from the logger
4. {object} viewer: current viewer
notificationA notification is displayed
navigateThe preview is shown for a given index{object} file
reloadThe preview reloads
resizeThe preview resizes1. {number} height: window height
2. {number} width: window width

Markdown Viewer

The Markdown viewer uses Remarkable to parse markdown files and highlight.js to add syntax highlighting to code blocks contained within.


The Markdown viewer parses the first 192KB of raw markdown in the file and renders it using GitHub's Markdown style. Additional content is truncated and a notification along with a download button are appended to the bottom of the preview.

The viewer supports GitHub Flavored Markdown including tables, syntax highlighting, and automatic URL linking.

Re-sizing the viewer window will reflow the markdown to fit the available space. Also, this viewer supports printing and will attempt to print the parsed markdown and with syntax highlighting on code when either print() is invoked or the print button is pressed. Note that printing large files may cause some browsers to freeze for a few seconds.


  • Fullscreen (can be exited with the escape key)

Supported File Extensions



The Markdown viewer triggers the following events.

Event NameExplanationEvent Data
destroyThe preview is intentionally destroyed
loadThe preview loads1. {string} error (optional): error message
2. {object} file: current file
3. {object} metrics: information from the logger
4. {object} viewer: current viewer
notificationA notification is displayed
navigateThe preview is shown for a given index{object} file
reloadThe preview reloads
resizeThe preview resizes1. {number} height: window height
2. {number} width: window width
printsuccessAn attempt to print triggered successfully

Model3D viewer

The Model3D viewer renders previews of 3D model files and allows you to enable different rendering modes to inspect various aspects of the model. for example wireframe, texture coordinates, and more. Animation data is also supported for files that contain it (for example box3d, fbx, dae).


The Model3D viewer gives you an interactive view of the model. The left mouse button allows you to orbit about the model (single touch on touch-enabled device). Double-clicking somewhere on the model allows you to change orbit focus.


  • Zoom (change distance to the model) with the mouse wheel (or two-finger scroll on a touch-enabled device).
  • Pan (lateral movement) with the right mouse button (or three-finger swipe on a touch-enabled device).
  • Animation Selection: If the model that is being viewed contains animations, two animation buttons will be visible in the toolbar. The first allows you to play and pause the animation and the second allows the selection of the current animation.
  • VR button: If using a browser that supports WebVR and a suitable VR device is attached to your computer, the VR button will allow toggling in and out of VR mode.


Settings are available through the cog icon in the preview toolbar.

  • Render Mode: Lit, Unlit, Normal, Shape, UV Overlay
  • Toggle Wireframe
  • Toggle Skeleton
  • Camera Projection: Perspective, Orthographic
  • Render Quality: Auto, Full
  • Rotate Model: X, Y, Z

Box3D Packages

Preview gives users the ability to view a single file within Box so, by default, you can't view textures on your model. However, the Box web application gives users the ability to create a Box3D package that combines all dependent files into a single file that can be shared and previewed. To do this, right-click the model file within Box and choose "Create 3D Package". All referenced files found within Box will be included in the resulting package.

Supported File Extensions

box3d, fbx, dae, 3ds, obj, stl, ply


The Model3D viewer triggers the following events.

Event NameExplanationEvent Data
destroyThe preview is intentionally destroyed
loadThe preview loads1. {string} error (optional): error message
2. {object} file: current file
3. {object} metrics: information from the logger
4. {object} viewer: current viewer
notificationA notification is displayed
navigateThe preview is shown for a given index{object} file
reloadThe preview reloads
resizeThe preview resizes1. {number} height: window height
2. {number} width: window width

360 Image viewer

The 360 image viewer renders a preview of an image stored as an equirectangular projection (often taken with a 360 camera).


This viewer gives you an interactive view of a 360 degree image. First, a low resolution version of the image is loaded to give a quick view before the full resolution image is finished loading. Clicking and dragging with the left mouse button will change the view direction (single touch and drag on touch-enabled device).


  • Fullscreen (can be exited with the escape key)
  • VR Button: When using a browser that supports WebVR and a suitable VR device is attached to your computer, a VR button will be available to allow toggling in and out of VR mode.


Currently, this previewer requires that the file be named with a '.360' preceding the file extension. This is so that Preview SDK knows to run this viewer rather than the standard image viewer.

Supported File Extensions

360.jpg, 360.jpeg, 360.png,, 360.bmp, 360.dcm, 360.eps, 360.gif,, 360.psd, 360.svg, 360.svs, 360.tga, 360.tif, 360.tiff


The 360 image viewer triggers the following events.

Event NameExplanationEvent Data
destroyThe preview is intentionally destroyed
loadThe preview loads1. {string} error (optional): error message
2. {object} file: current file
3. {object} metrics: information from the logger
4. {object} viewer: current viewer
notificationA notification is displayed
navigateThe preview is shown for a given index{object} file
reloadThe preview reloads
resizeThe preview resizes1. {number} height: window height
2. {number} width: window width

Image viewer

The image viewer renders previews of image files.


Rotating the viewer will rotate the image 90 degrees clockwise. At the default zoom level, clicking on the image will zoom in once. When zoomed in, clicking on the document will return to the default zoom level. When zoomed out, clicking on the document will zoom in until the original zoom level is reached.


  • Zoom In
  • Zoom Out
  • Rotate
  • Fullscreen: can be exited with the escape key

Supported File Extensions

ai, bmp, dcm, eps, idml, indt, indd, inx, gif, png, ps, psd, svs, tga


annotationsbooleanOptional. Whether annotations on content are shown. Defaults to false


The image viewer triggers the following events.

Event NameExplanationEvent Data
destroyThe preview is intentionally destroyed
loadThe preview loads1. {string} error (optional): error message
2. {object} file: current file
3. {object} metrics: information from the logger
4. {object} viewer: current viewer
notificationA notification is displayed
navigateThe preview is shown for a given index{object} file
reloadThe preview reloads
resizeThe preview resizes1. {number} height: window height
2. {number} width: window width
zoomThe preview zooms in or out1. {number} zoom: new zoom value
2. {boolean} canZoomIn: true if the viewer can zoom in more
3. {boolean} canZoomOut: true if the viewer can zoom out more
panThe preview is panning
panstartPanning starts
panendPanning ends
rotateThe image rotates
printsuccessAn attempt to print triggered successfully

Multi-image viewer

The multi-image viewer renders previews of multi-image files (tiff, tif).


At the default zoom level, clicking on the image will zoom in once. When zoomed in, clicking on the document will return to the default zoom level. When zoomed out, clicking on the document will zoom in until the original zoom level is reached.


  • Zoom In
  • Zoom Out
  • Fullscreen: can be exited with the escape key
  • Set Page: either with the up and down arrows, or by clicking the page number and entering text

Supported File Extensions

tif, tiff


annotationsbooleanOptional. Whether annotations on content are shown. Defaults to false


The image viewer triggers the following events.

Event NameExplanationEvent Data
destroyThe preview is intentionally destroyed
loadThe preview loads1. {string} error (optional): error message
2. {object} file: current file
3. {object} metrics: information from the logger
4. {object} viewer: current viewer
notificationA notification is displayed
navigateThe preview is shown for a given index{object} file
reloadThe preview reloads
resizeThe preview resizes1. {number} height: window height
2. {number} width: window width
zoomThe preview zooms in or out1. {number} zoom: new zoom value
2. {boolean} canZoomIn: true if the viewer can zoom in more
3. {boolean} canZoomOut: true if the viewer can zoom out more
pagefocusA page is visible{number} page number of focused page
panThe preview is panning
panstartPanning starts
panendPanning ends


The following methods are available for the multi-page image viewer.

Method NameExplanationMethod Parameters
zoomZooms the image{string} 'in', 'out', or 'reset'
previousPageNavigates to the previous page
nextPageNavigates to the next page
setPageNavigates to a given page{number} page number
toggleFullscreenToggles full screen mode

Document viewer

The document viewer renders previews for a variety of document types.


The document viewer remembers which page you were viewing upon closing the preview. The next time that file is opened, you will immediately be brought to that page. Resizing the viewer window will cause the document to resize.


  • Zoom In
  • Zoom Out
  • Set Page: either with the up and down arrows, or by clicking the page number and entering text
  • Fullscreen (can be exited with the escape key)

Supported File Extensions

as, as3, asm, bat, c, cc, cmake, cpp, cs, css, csv, cxx, diff, doc, docx, erb, gdoc, groovy, gsheet, h, haml, hh, htm, html, java, js, less, log, m, make, md, ml, mm, msg, odp, ods, odt, pdf, php, pl, plist, ppt, pptx, properties, py, rb, rst, rtf, sass, scala, scm, script, sh, sml, sql, tsv, txt, vi, vim, webdoc, wpd, xhtml, xls, xlsm, xlsx, xml, xsd, xsl, yaml


annotationsbooleanOptional. Whether annotations on content are shown. Defaults to false


The document viewer triggers the following events.

Event NameExplanationEvent Data
destroyThe preview is intentionally destroyed
loadThe preview loads1. {string} error (optional): error message
2. {object} file: current file
3. {object} metrics: information from the logger
4. {object} viewer: current viewer
notificationA notification is displayed
navigateThe preview is shown for a given index{object} file
reloadThe preview reloads
resizeThe preview resizes1. {number} height: window height
2. {number} width: window width
zoomThe preview zooms in or out1. {number} newScale: new zoom value
2. {boolean} canZoomIn: true if the viewer can zoom in more
3. {boolean} canZoomOut: true if the viewer can zoom out more
pagerenderA page is rendered{number} page number of rendered page
pagefocusA page is visible{number} page number of focused page
scrollstartThe viewer starts to scroll1. {number} scrollTop: number of pixels scrolled from top of viewport
2. {number} scrollLeft: number of pixels scrolled from left of viewport
scrollendThe viewer stops scrolling1. {number} scrollTop: number of pixels scrolled from top of viewport
2. {number} scrollLeft: number of pixels scrolled from left of viewport
printsuccessAn attempt to print triggered successfully
printsuccessAn attempt to print failed


Event NameExplanationEvent Data
annotationdrawText is highlighted
annotationcommentpendingUser hovers back into a dialog that has a pending comment
annotationcreateAnnotation is created
annotationcancelAn annotation was started but then abandoned before it was created
annotationdeleteAnnotation with provided AnnotationID is deleted. If no ID is provided, deletes the first (and only remaining) annotation in the thread.

<iframe> viewer

The <iframe> viewer embeds an frame to show content rendered from an external source.


The <iframe> viewer is used for previews of Box Notes.

Box Notes has full-featured viewers within the main Box Web Application, but these full viewers are not initialized when users navigate from previews of other files that may be in the same directory as the Notes files. In this situation, the <iframe> viewer embeds an view-only render of the Box Note file.

Supported File Extensions



The <iframe> viewer triggers the following events.

Event NameExplanationEvent Data
destroyThe preview is intentionally destroyed
loadThe preview loads1. {string} error (optional): error message
2. {object} file: current file
3. {object} metrics: information from the logger
4. {object} viewer: current viewer
notificationA notification is displayed
navigateThe preview is shown for a given index{object} file
reloadThe preview reloads
resizeThe preview resizes1. {number} height: window height
2. {number} width: window width

DASH viewer

The DASH viewer renders previews for video files using Shaka Player.


The DASH viewer uses a black background to create a more native viewing experience. Video is streamed in chunks of bytes at an initial quality determined automatically. Volume can be muted or unmuted by clicking the volume icon, or changed by dragging the volume scrubber. The position of the video can be changed by clicking or dragging the playback scrubber.


  • Play/Pause
  • Volume
  • Settings
  • Fullscreen (can be exited with the escape key)


Settings are available through the cog icon in the preview toolbar.

  • Video Speed: 0.25, 0.5, normal (1), 1.25, 1.5, 2.0
  • Video Quality: 480p, 1080p, auto

Supported File Extensions

3g2, 3gp, avi, m2v, m2ts, m4v, mkv, mov, mp4, mpeg, mpg, ogg, mts, qt, wmv


The DASH viewer triggers the following events.

Event NameExplanationEvent Data
destroyThe preview is intentionally destroyed
loadThe preview loads1. {string} error (optional): error message
2. {object} file: current file
3. {object} metrics: information from the logger
4. {object} viewer: current viewer
notificationA notification is displayed
navigateThe preview is shown for a given index{object} file
reloadThe preview reloads
resizeThe preview resizes1. {number} height: window height
2. {number} width: window width
speedchangeThe media speed changes{string} playback speed
qualitychangeThe video quality changes{string} media quality
bandwidthhistoryGives bandwidth history when the preview is destroyed{array} bandwidth information
switchhistoryGives quality switching history when the preview is destroyed{array} quality switch objects
adaptationQuality adapts to a change in bandwidth{number} bandwidth
playThe video plays
pauseThe video pauses
seekThe video skips to a time{number} time

CSV viewer

The CSV viewer uses PapaParse to parse CSV and TSV files and React Virtualized to display the parsed data in a table.


Resizing the viewer window will cause the table to resize, and the zoom in and out buttons will increase and decrease font size respectively. Currently, column and row sizes are fixed and overflowing text will be truncated.

This viewer does not support printing.


  • Zoom In
  • Zoom Out
  • Fullscreen (can be exited with the escape key)

Supported File Extensions

csv, tsv


The CSV viewer triggers the following events.

Event NameExplanationEvent Data
destroyThe preview is intentionally destroyed
loadThe preview loads1. {string} error (optional): error message
2. {object} file: current file
3. {object} metrics: information from the logger
4. {object} viewer: current viewer
notificationA notification is displayed
navigateThe preview is shown for a given index{object} file
reloadThe preview reloads
resizeThe preview resizes1. {number} height: window height
2. {number} width: window width
zoomThe preview zooms in or out1. {number} zoom: new zoom value
2. {boolean} canZoomIn: true if the viewer can zoom in more
3. {boolean} canZoomOut: true if the viewer can zoom out more