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Box Dotnet SDK Generated v1.0.0 released

Feature Impactful SDKs dotnet GitHub

Box Dotnet SDK Generated v1.0.0 released

Bug Fixes

  • Extract IntegrationMappingPartnerItemSlack to IntegrationMappingPartnerItemSlackUnion (box/box-codegen#530) (#183) (3b1b634)
  • Improve chunked upload reliability (box/box-codegen#529) (#182) (e2a045f)
  • remove init from some of the required fields, nullability fixes (box/box-codegen#532) (#190) (c58f8af)
  • retry requests with status code of 202 and retry-after header (box/box-codegen#533) (#191) (abaafd7)
  • Update chunked upload (box/box-codegen#523) (#177) (9bcaf51)

New Features and Enhancements

  • Add is_active parameter to user collaboration (box/box-openapi#437) (#181) (ec5f2d1)
  • simplify namespaces (box/box-codegen#518) (#175) (7831b09)
  • Support AI Agent API (box/box-codegen#531) (#188) (0c29645)
  • Support default interface properties, bump dependencies (box/box-codegen#527) (#184) (6b52792)

Box Windows SDK v5.8.0 released

Feature SDKs Windows GitHub

Box Windows SDK v5.8.0 released

New Features and Enhancements:

Bug Fixes:

  • Bump System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt dependency version to v6.35.0 (#962) (6e47237), closes #960 #961
  • remove Microsoft.AspNetCore.StaticFiles and System.Web dependencies (#964) (2c8eedc)


Box Java SDK v4.11.1 released

SDKs Java GitHub

Box Java SDK v4.11.1 released

Bug Fixes

  • Fix order of file upload multipart request (#1261) (7200ac7)

Box Node SDK v3.7.0 released

Feature SDKs Node GitHub

Box Node SDK v3.7.0 released

New Features and Enhancements


Box UI Elements v21.0.0 released

Feature Impactful frontend UI Elements GitHub

Box UI Elements v21.0.0 released

21.0.0 (2024-07-16)

Bug Fixes


  • docgen: add docgen icon (#3573) (f5d4955)
  • react: BREAKING CHANGE Upgrade to React 18 (#3556) (91e0978)
  • webpack: BREAKING CHANGE Upgrade to webpack 5 and react-styleguidist 12.0.1 (#3568) (a812294)


  • upgrade hapi/address to resolve undefined buffer reference
  • upgrade peer dependency for react-virtualized to support react 18

React 18 support for Box UI Elements

Feature Impactful guides

React 18 support for Box UI Elements

Box UI Elements now support React 18, bringing a whole new level of flexibility and functionality for content collaboration in third-party apps. With this update, you can leverage the power of React 18’s cutting-edge features, drive innovation with latest front-end stack, while seamlessly integrating with the intelligent content cloud.

For details, read our blog post.

All customers and application owners who are potentially affected have been notified directly via email.

Where to get support

Should you have any issues or need further guidance, please post a request to our developer forum for any help needed.


Box Java SDK v4.11.0 released

Feature SDKs Java GitHub

Box Java SDK v4.11.0 released

New Features and Enhancements

  • Allow overriding creation of OkHttp Call (#1257) (bd6fde6)

Bug Fixes

  • Add missing fields when update classification template (#1255) (f17f817)
  • Fix deserializing permissions for BoxFile and BoxFolder (#1256) (f088448)

Box TypeScript SDK Generated v1.2.0 released

Feature SDKs typescript GitHub

Box TypeScript SDK Generated v1.2.0 released

Bug Fixes

New Features and Enhancements

  • Retry request with status code 202 (box/box-codegen#511) (#235) (03b8f43)
  • Support extensible enum types in Typescript (box/box-codegen#520) (#243) (5237972)

Box Dotnet SDK Generated v0.4.0 released

Feature SDKs dotnet GitHub

Box Dotnet SDK Generated v0.4.0 released

Bug Fixes

  • Change base URLs (box/box-codegen#491) (#126) (b4c6025)
  • Fix CI for auto update pull requests (box/box-codegen#506) (#152) (766f03c)
  • Fix schema for updating classification on a file and folder (box/box-openapi#423) (#117) (40f5a97)
  • Improve wording for box sign (box/box-openapi#424) (#122) (64b3bcd)

New Features and Enhancements

  • Add default implementation for interface methods (box/box-codegen#502) (#148) (0f39071)
  • Add docs improvements and marker pagination (box/box-openapi#431) (#153) (780a58b)
  • Add support for ExtraData of generic type (box/box-codegen#521) (#170) (2a2208d)
  • Add support for unions of primitives (box/box-codegen#501) (#150) (e75ce82)
  • Make models immutable, hide fields for authentication (box/box-codegen#494) (#127) (8adcc85)
  • Add SuppressNotifications and ExternalSystemName fields for Box Sign (box/box-openapi#425) (#124) (c841881)
  • Support StringEnum (box/box-codegen#514) (#162) (6ac2fe9)

Box Swift SDK Generated 0.3.0 released

Feature SDKs swift GitHub

Box Swift SDK Generated 0.3.0 released

Bug Fixes

  • Change base URLs (box/box-codegen#491) (#115) (d0a7adb)
  • Fix Box AI endpoints (box/box-openapi#418) (#88) (022f83a)
  • Fix CI for auto update pull requests (box/box-codegen#506) (#135) (a62e238)
  • fix deserialisation of Union with array in Swift (box/box-codegen#486) (#94) (4f187be)
  • Fix metadata filter resource (box/box-openapi#419) (#90) (b04f7ce)
  • Fix schemas for updating classification on a file and folder (box/box-openapi#423) (#104) (caa9d2b)
  • improve wording for box sign (box/box-openapi#424) (#111) (4fa69f0)

New Features and Enhancements

  • add missing marker pagination fields and introduce new event type (box/box-openapi[#431]( (#136) (b186b11)
  • Add support for visionOS and add privacy manifest file for swift (box/box-codegen[#510]( (#139) (7fc76fc)
  • Add support for Date in Swift (box/box-codegen#488) (#103) (7e1ea1a)
  • Improve chunk upload in Swift (box/box-codegen[#515]( (#143) (b8099ab)
  • move notification suppression to public schema (box/box-openapi#425) (#113) (069be60)
  • Move schemas to separate modules (box/box-codegen#483) (#99) (c7a8506)
  • Start throwing common errors (box/box-codegen[#516]( (#147) (d12bbb7)
  • Support Box AI endpoints (box/box-openapi#416) (#86) (175ab82)
  • Support chunk upload in Swift (box/box-codegen[#513]( (#142) (9e0b4e2)
  • support excluding endpoints and schemas in parser (box/box-codegen#487) (#100) (af9e171)