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Box Annotations allow developers to provide collaboration capabilities right from within the embedded Box preview in their application. Box Annotations fit a wide range of use cases and can be used to draw the previewer's attention and/or provide feedback on specific parts of a document or images.

Learn more about Content Preview

Box Content Preview currently supports four annotation types - highlight comment, highlight only, draw, and point annotation. Box Annotations are today supported on documents and image previews only. You can find the full list of supported file types for Box Content Preview here.

Browser support

Learn more about browser support for Box UI element.


Box Annotations can be used by pulling from our NPM package.


/* global BoxAnnotations */
const boxAnnotations = new BoxAnnotations();
const annotatorConf = boxAnnotations.determineAnnotator(

// Construct and init annotator
const annotator = new annotatorConf.CONSTRUCTOR(options);


Where disabledAnnotationTypes is a string of valid annotation types to disable. See below for more details on viewer specific annotation configurations.


The UI Elements are designed in an authentication agnostic way so whether you are using UI Elements for users who have Box accounts (Managed Users) or non-Box accounts (App Users), UI Elements should work out of the box. The reason for this is that UI Elements only expect a "token" to be passed in for authentication, and Box provides two different ways to generate tokens - OAuth and JWT.

Learn about selecting an authentication method

If your application requires the end user to only be able to access a subset of the Annotations functionality, you can use Downscoping to appropriately downscope your Access Token to a resulting token that has the desired set of permissions, and can thus, be securely passed to the end user client initializing Annotations.

Below are a set of new Annotation-specific scopes to go alongside Downscoping. These allow developers to enable/disable functionality on Box Annotations by configuring the appropriate scopes on the downscoped token. To learn more, see Dedicated scopes for the Box UI Elements.

Parameters & Options

const annotator = new annotatorConf.CONSTRUCTOR({
    file: {
        file_version: {
    modeButtons: {
        // Annotation mode buttons, i.e. point, draw, etc
        point: {
          // Accessibilty message for the point annotation mode button
          title: "Point annotation mode",
          // CSS selector for the point annotation mode button
          selector: ".bp-btn-annotate-point"
annotatorViewer-specific annotator configurations object
apiHostHost for Box API calls for example
fileIdBox file ID
tokenA string auth token, see below for details on how to generate annotator tokens with appropriate scopes
containerDOM node or selector where Preview should be placed
fileFile metadata object
file.idString Box_File id
file.file_version.idString Box_File_Version id
file.permissionsFile permissions object, see below on how to scope permissions
modeButtonsObject containing a CSS selector and accessibility message for the annotation mode button, see parameters and options example above
isMobilefalseWhether the user's browser is on a mobile device
hasTouchfalseWhether the mobile browser has touch enabled
localeen-USShared link URL

Base Scope

Scope NameWhat permissions does it grant?
base_previewAllows preview access to a file or files in a folder based on user/file/token permissions

Feature Scopes

Scope NameWhat permissions does it grant?
item_downloadAllows files/folders contents to be downloaded
annotation_view_selfAllows user to view their own annotations
annotation_view_allAllows user to view all annotations on the file
annotation_editAllows user to edit their own annotations (includes annotation_view_self)

Sample Scenarios

ScenarioScope Combinations
User wants basic preview functionality + ability to edit own annotationsbase_preview + annotation_edit
User wants basic preview functionality + ability to edit own annotations + ability to select text on documentsbase_preview + annotation_edit + item_download
User wants basic preview functionality + ability to view all annotations + ability to edit own annotationsbase_preview + annotation_view_all + annotation_edit
User wants basic preview functionality + ability to view only their own annotationsbase_preview + annotation_view_self

Enabling/Disabling Annotations and Annotation Types

Annotation types can be selectively turned off through preview options. Viewer options override global showAnnotations value, for that viewer. See Box Content Preview for more details on how to set up the Preview instances that are used with Box Annotations here., {
    showAnnotations: Boolean

Combined with the following:, {
    viewers: {
        VIEWER_NAME: {
            annotations: {
                enabled: Boolean,
                enabledTypes: String[] | null

This turns the annotations on if enabled is set to true. This respects the showAnnotations value if empty. The enabledTypes value is a list of annotation types to enable for this viewer. If empty, will respect default types for that annotator.


Enable all annotations, turn off for Image Viewers, and enable only point annotations on Document viewer:, token, {
    showAnnotations: true,
    viewers: {
        Image: {
            annotations: {
                enabled: false
        Document: {
            annotations: {
                enabled: true,
                enabledTypes: ["point"]


The name of an annotator can be one of the following DocAnnotator or ImageAnnotator. Call boxAnnotations.getAnnotators() to get the list of possible annotators.

Additional Methods

  • annotator.init() initializes the annotator.
  • annotator.isModeAnnotatable(/* String */ type) returns whether or not the current annotation mode is enabled for the current viewer/annotator.
  • annotator.showModeAnnotateButton(/* String */ currentMode) shows the annotate button for the specified annotation mode.
  • annotator.getAnnotateButton(/* String */ annotatorSelector) gets the annotation button element.
  • annotator.showAnnotations() fetches and shows saved annotations.
  • annotator.hideAnnotations() hides annotations.
  • annotator.hideAnnotationsOnPage(/* number */ pageNum) hides annotations on a specified page.
  • annotator.setScale() sets the zoom scale.
  • annotator.toggleAnnotationHandler() toggles annotation modes on and off. When an annotation mode is on, annotation threads will be created at that location.
  • annotator.disableAnnotationMode(/* String */ mode, /* HTMLElement */ buttonEl) disables the specified annotation mode.
  • annotator.enableAnnotationMode(/* String */ mode, /* HTMLElement */ buttonEl) enables the specified annotation mode.
  • annotator.getAnnotatedEl(/* HTMLElement */ containerEl) determines the annotated element in the viewer.
  • annotator.createAnnotationThread(/* Annotation[] */ annotations, /* Object */ location, /* String */ [annotation type]) creates the proper type of annotation thread, adds it to the in-memory map, and returns it.


Events can be bound to the annotator object with addListener and removed with removeListener. Event listeners should be bound before showAnnotations() is called, otherwise events can be missed.

/* global BoxAnnotations */
const boxAnnotations = new BoxAnnotations();
const annotatorConf = boxAnnotations.determineAnnotator(

// Construct and init annotator
const annotator = new annotatorConf.CONSTRUCTOR(options);
var listener = value => {
    // Do something with value

// Attach listener before calling show otherwise events can be missed
annotator.addListener(EVENTNAME, listener);

// Initialize a annotator

// Remove listener when appropriate
annotator.removeListener(EVENTNAME, listener);

EVENTNAME can be one of the following

  • annotator event will be triggered when we have the annotator instance first available. Box Annotations trigger this event before load so that clients can attach their listeners before the load event is triggered from Box Content Preview.
  • annotationsfetched event will be triggered when annotations have been fetched from the Box API.
  • annotationmodeenter event will be triggered on when an annotation mode is entered. The event data will contain:
  // Annotation mode that was entered
  mode: 'point',
  // Optional CSS selector for the container's header
  headerSelector: '.bp-preview-header',

annotationmodeexit event will be triggered on when an annotation mode is exited. The event data will contain:

  // Annotation mode that was exited
  mode: 'point',
  // Optional CSS selector for the container's header
  headerSelector: '.bp-preview-header',

annotationerror event will be triggered when an annotation error has occurred. The event data will contain:

  message: 'message', // Error message to show

annotationpending event will be triggered when an annotation thread was created but has not yet been saved on the server. The event data will contain:

  data: {
    type: 'point', // Annotation type
    threadID: '123abc',
    userId: '456def',
    threadNumber: '1' // Thread number from Annotations API

annotationthreadsaved event will be triggered when an annotation thread was saved on the server. The event data will contain:

  data: {
    type: 'point', // Annotation type
    threadID: '123abc',
    userId: '456def',
    threadNumber: '1' // Thread number from Annotations API

annotationthreaddeleted event will be triggered when an annotation thread was deleted on the server. The event data will contain:

  data: {
    type: 'point', // Annotation type
    threadID: '123abc',
    userId: '456def',
    threadNumber: '1' // Thread number from Annotations API

annotationsaved event will be triggered when an annotation is added and saved to an existing annotation thread on the server. The event data will contain:

  data: {
    type: 'point', // Annotation type
    threadID: '123abc',
    userId: '456def',
    threadNumber: '1' // Thread number from Annotations API

annotationdeleted event will be triggered when an annotation is deleted from an existing thread on the server. The entire annotation thread is not deleted. The event data will contain:

  data: {
    type: 'point', // Annotation type
    threadID: '123abc',
    userId: '456def',
    threadNumber: '1' // Thread number from Annotations API

annotationcanceled event will be triggered when an annotation is canceled from posting on either a new or existing thread. The event data will contain:

  data: {
    type: 'point', // Annotation type
    threadID: '123abc',
    userId: '456def',
    threadNumber: '1' // Thread number from Annotations API

annotationdeleteerror event will be triggered when an error occurs while deleting an annotation on either a new or existing thread. The event data will contain:

  data: {
    type: 'point', // Annotation type
    threadID: '123abc',
    userId: '456def',
    threadNumber: '1' // Thread number from Annotations API

annotationcreateerror event will be triggered when an error occurs while posting an annotation on either a new or existing thread. The event data will contain:

  data: {
    type: 'point', // Annotation type
    threadID: '123abc',
    userId: '456def',
    threadNumber: '1' // Thread number from Annotations API

annotatorevent Each annotator will trigger its own sets of events. For example, the Image Annotator will trigger rotate or resize, etc. while other annotator may trigger another set of events. The Annotator wrapper will also re-emit events at the Preview level in Box Content Preview, with event data containing:

  event: EVENTNAME,             // Event name
  data: DATA,                   // Event data object
  annotatorName: ANNOTATORNAME, // Name of the annotator
  fileVersionId: fileVersionId  // The file version id
  fileId: fileId                // The file id

Example event usage

preview.addListener("annotator", viewer => {
    annotator.addListener("annotationsfetched", () => {
        // Do something when annotations are fetched on a preview

// Event listeners can be attached to viewers
preview.addListener("load", data => {
    var viewer = data.viewer;
    viewer.addListener("annotationsfetched", () => {
        // Do something when annotations are fetched on a preview

// Event listeners can be attached to annotators
preview.addListener("load", data => {
    var annotator = data.viewer.annotator;
    annotator.addListener("annotationsfetched", () => {
        // Do something when annotations are fetched on a preview

preview.addListener("annotatorevent", data => {
    if (data.event === "annotationsfetched") {
        // Do something when annotations are fetched on a preview
    } else if (data.event === "annotationerror") {
        // Do something different when an annotation error has occurred
    } else {

preview.addListener("annotatorevent", data => {
    if (data.viewerName === "Image") {
        if (data.event === "annotationsfetched") {
            // Do something when annotations are fetched on an image preview
    } else if (data.viewerName === "MultiImage") {
        if (data.event === "annotationsfetched") {
            // Do something different when annotations are fetched on a multi-page image
    } else {

preview.addListener("annotationsfetched", data => {
    if (data.viewerName === "Image") {
        // Do something when annotations are fetched on an image preview
    } else if (data.viewerName === "MultiImage") {
        // Do something different when annotations are fetched on a multi-page image
    } else {

Annotation Thread

Thread Methods

The following methods are available for the annotation threads.

Method NameExplanationMethod Parameters
createDialogCreates the dialog for the thread
showShows the annotation indicator
hideHides the annotation indicator
resetResets thread state to 'inactive'
showDialogShows the appropriate dialog for this thread
hideDialogHides the appropriate indicator for this thread
saveAnnotationSaves an annotation locally and on the server{string} annotation type, {text} text of annotation to save
deleteAnnotationDeletes an annotation{string} annotation ID, {boolean} whether or not to delete on server, default true

Thread Events

All annotation threads trigger the following events. The event data will contain:

  data: {
    type: 'point', // Annotation type
    threadID: '123abc',
    userId: '456def',
    threadNumber: '1' // Thread number from Annotations API
Event NameExplanation
annotationpendingAn annotation thread was created but has not yet been saved on the server.
annotationthreadsavedAn annotation thread was saved on the server.
annotationthreaddeletedAn annotation thread was deleted on the server.
annotationsavedAn annotation thread was added and saved to an existing annotation thread on the server
annotationdeletedAn annotation thread was deleted from an existing thread on the server. The entire annotation thread is not deleted.
annotationcanceledAn annotation thread was canceled from posting on either a new or existing thread.
annotationdeleteerrorAn error occurs while deleting an annotation on either a new or existing thread.
annotationcreateerrorAn error occurs while posting an annotation on either a new or existing thread.

See the Events section above for example event usage.

Annotation Dialog

Dialog Methods

The following methods are available for the annotation dialog.

Method NameExplanationMethod Parameters
showPositions and shows the dialog
hideHides the dialog
hideMobileDialogHides and resets the shared mobile dialog
addAnnotationAdds an annotation to the dialog{Annotation} annotation to add
removeAnnotationRemoves an annotation from the dialog{string} annotation ID
postAnnotationPosts an annotation in the dialog{string} annotation text to post
positionPositions the dialog

Supported Annotation Types

Point annotations are supported on both document and image formats. Highlight comment, highlight only, and draw annotations are only supported on document formats.

Supported document file extensions: pdf, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, xlsx, xls, xlsm.

Supported image file extensions: ai, bmp, dcm, eps, gif, idml, indd, indt, inx``png, ps, psd, svs, tga, tif, tiff.