The official Box SDKs have built-in support for App Token authentication.
App Token authentication is designed for working directly with the
Box API without requiring a user to redirect through Box to authorize your
application, yet is restricted to the application's own data.
The method of authentication through JWT is inherently tied to the Service
Account for the application. Any API call made with this token will seem to
come from this application and will not have access to files and folders from
other users without explicitly getting access them.
var config = new BoxConfig("[CLIENT_ID]", "", new Uri("http://localhost"));
var session = new OAuthSession("[APP_TOKEN]", "N/A", 3600, "bearer");
var client = new BoxClient(config, session);
var BoxSDK = require('box-node-sdk');
var sdk = new BoxSDK({
clientID: '[CLIENT_ID]',
clientSecret: ''
var client = sdk.getBasicClient('[APP_TOKEN]');
With this the application should be able to make API calls to any of the
endpoints enabled for App Token auth.