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Stream Types

Stream Types

Stream TypesScopePurposeDescriptionRetentionAccess Pattern
admin_logsA single enterprise (for authorized admins)Historical QueriesEnables querying historical events up to one year365 DaysFilter by time frame, then paginate through the response by stream_position
admin_logs_streamingA single enterprise (for authorized admins)Near real time subscriptionsEnables subscribing to live events in near real time14 DaysPoll using the stream_position
all (default)A single user (for any user)Near real time subscriptionsReturns everything for a user21 DaysPoll or long-poll using the stream_position
changesA single user (for any user)Near real time subscriptionsReturns events that may cause file tree changes such as file updates or collaborations21 DaysPoll or long-poll using the stream_position
syncA single user (for any user)Near real time subscriptionsIs similar to changes but only applies to synced folders31 DaysPoll or long-poll using the stream_position