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Update metadata instance on file


Updates a piece of metadata on a file.

The metadata instance can only be updated if the template has already been applied to the file before. When editing metadata, only values that match the metadata template schema will be accepted.

The update is applied atomically. If any errors occur during the application of the operations, the metadata instance will not be changed.



Path Parameters

stringin pathrequired

The unique identifier that represents a file.

The ID for any file can be determined by visiting a file in the web application and copying the ID from the URL. For example, for the URL https://* the file_id is 123.

stringin pathrequired

The scope of the metadata template

Value is one of global,enterprise

stringin pathrequired

The name of the metadata template

Request Body

object arrayin bodyrequired

A JSON-Patch specification for the changes to make to the metadata instance.

The changes are represented as a JSON array of operation objects.

stringin bodyoptional

The location in the metadata JSON object to move or copy a value from. Required for move or copy operations and must be in the format of a JSON-Pointer.

stringin bodyoptional

The type of change to perform on the template. Some of these are hazardous as they will change existing templates.

Value is one of add,replace,remove,test,move,copy

stringin bodyoptional

The location in the metadata JSON object to apply the changes to, in the format of a JSON-Pointer.

The path must always be prefixed with a / to represent the root of the template. The characters ~ and / are reserved characters and must be escaped in the key.

stringin bodyoptional

The value to be set or tested.

Required for add, replace, and test operations. For add, if the value exists already the previous value will be overwritten by the new value. For replace, the value must exist before replacing.

For test, the existing value at the path location must match the specified value.


Returns the updated metadata template instance, with the custom template data included.

application/jsonClient error

Returns an error when the request body is not valid.

  • bad_request - The request body format is not an array of valid JSON Patch objects.
application/jsonClient error

Returns an error in some edge cases when the request body is not a valid array of JSON Patch items.

application/jsonClient error

An unexpected client error.

Update metadata instance on file
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Request Example

curl -i -X PUT "" \
     -H "authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>" \
     -H "content-type: application/json-patch+json" \
     -d '[
          "op": "test",
          "path": "/competitiveDocument",
          "value": "no"
          "op": "remove",
          "path": "/competitiveDocument"
          "op": "test",
          "path": "/status",
          "value": "active"
          "op": "replace",
          "path": "/status",
          "value": "inactive"
          "op": "test",
          "path": "/author",
          "value": "Jones"
          "op": "copy",
          "from": "/author",
          "path": "/editor"
          "op": "test",
          "path": "/currentState",
          "value": "proposal"
          "op": "move",
          "from": "/currentState",
          "path": "/previousState"
          "op": "add",
          "path": "/currentState",
          "value": "reviewed"
TypeScript Gen
await client.fileMetadata.updateFileMetadataById(,
  'global' as UpdateFileMetadataByIdScope,
      op: 'replace' as UpdateFileMetadataByIdRequestBodyOpField,
      path: '/abc',
      value: newValue,
    } satisfies UpdateFileMetadataByIdRequestBody,
Python Gen
.NET Gen
await client.FileMetadata.UpdateFileMetadataByIdAsync(fileId: file.Id, scope: UpdateFileMetadataByIdScope.Global, templateKey: "properties", requestBody: Array.AsReadOnly(new [] {new UpdateFileMetadataByIdRequestBody() { Op = UpdateFileMetadataByIdRequestBodyOpField.Replace, Path = "/abc", Value = newValue }}));
BoxFile file = new BoxFile(api, "id");
file.updateMetadata(new Metadata("templateScope", "templateKey").add("/foo", "bar"));
file_obj = client.file(file_id='11111')
file_metadata = file_obj.metadata(scope='enterprise', template='myMetadata')

updates = file_metadata.start_update()
updates.add('/foo', 'bar')
updates.update('/baz', 'murp', old_value='quux')  # Ensure the old value was "quux" before updating to "murp"

updated_metadata = file_metadata.update(updates)
print('Updated metadata on file!')
print(f'foo is now {updated_metadata["foo"]} and baz is now {updated_metadata["baz"]}')
var updates = new List<BoxMetadataUpdate>()
    new BoxMetadataUpdate()
        Op = MetadataUpdateOp.test,
        Path = "/competitiveDocument",
        Value = "no"
    new BoxMetadataUpdate()
        Op = MetadataUpdateOp.remove,
        Path = "/competitiveDocument"
    new BoxMetadataUpdate()
        Op = MetadataUpdateOp.test,
        Path = "/status",
        Value = "active"
    new BoxMetadataUpdate()
        Op = MetadataUpdateOp.replace,
        Path = "/competitiveDocument",
        Value = "inactive"
    new BoxMetadataUpdate()
        Op = MetadataUpdateOp.test,
        Path = "/author",
        Value = "Jones"
    new BoxMetadataUpdate()
        Op = MetadataUpdateOp.copy,
        Path = "/editor"
    new BoxMetadataUpdate()
        Op = MetadataUpdateOp.test,
        Path = "/currentState",
        Value = "proposal"
    new BoxMetadataUpdate()
        Op = MetadataUpdateOp.move,
        From = "/currentState",
        Path = "/previousState"
    new BoxMetadataUpdate()
        Op = MetadataUpdateOp.add,
        Path = "/currentState",
        Value = "reviewed"
Dictionary<string, object> updatedMetadata = await client.MetadataManager
    .UpdateFileMetadataAsync("11111", updates, "enterprise", "marketingCollateral");
var updates = [
	{ op: 'test', path: '/competitiveDocument', value: 'no' },
	{ op: 'remove', path: '/competitiveDocument' },
	{ op: 'test', path: '/status', value: 'active' },
	{ op: 'replace', path: '/status', value: 'inactive' },
	{ op: 'test', path: '/author', value: 'Jones' },
	{ op: 'copy', from: '/author', path: '/editor' },
	{ op: 'test', path: '/currentState', value: 'proposal' },
	{ op: 'move', from: '/currentState', path: '/previousState' },
	{ op: 'add', path: '/currentState', value: 'reviewed' }
client.files.updateMetadata('11111', client.metadata.scopes.ENTERPRISE, "marketingCollateral", updates)
	.then(metadata => {
		/* metadata -> {
			audience: 'internal',
			documentType: 'Q1 plans',
			status: 'inactive',
			author: 'Jones',
			'$type': 'marketingCollateral-d086c908-2498-4d3e-8a1f-01e82bfc2abe',
			'$parent': 'file_11111',
			'$id': '2094c584-68e1-475c-a581-534a4609594e',
			'$version': 1,
			'$typeVersion': 0,
			editor: 'Jones',
			previousState: 'proposal',
			currentState: 'reviewed',
			'$template': 'marketingCollateral',
			'$scope': 'enterprise_12345' }
    forFileWithId: "11111",
    scope: "enterprise",
    templateKey: "personnelRecord",
    operations: [
        .test(path: "/department", value: "Sales"),
        .replace(path: "/department", value: "Marketing")
) { (result: Result<MetadataObject, BoxSDKError>) in
    guard case let .success(metadata) = result {
        print("Error updating metadata")

    print("Employee department updated to \(metadata.keys["department"])")

Response Example

  "$canEdit": true,
  "$id": "01234500-12f1-1234-aa12-b1d234cb567e",
  "$parent": "folder_59449484661,",
  "$scope": "enterprise_27335",
  "$template": "marketingCollateral",
  "$type": "properties-6bcba49f-ca6d-4d2a-a758-57fe6edf44d0",
  "$typeVersion": 2,
  "$version": 1