Box Developer Documentation

Copy a File Request

Copy a File Request

To create a copy of an existing template file request, all you need is its unique ID, and the ID of the folder to apply the new file request to.

curl -i -X POST "" \
     -H "authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>" \
     -d '{
       "title": "Please upload required documents",
       "description": "Please upload required documents",
       "status": "active",
       "is_email_required": true,
       "is_description_required": false,
       "folder": {
         "id": "2233212",
         "type": "folder"
TypeScript Gen
await client.fileRequests.createFileRequestCopy(fileRequestId, {
  folder: {
    type: 'folder' as FileRequestCopyRequestFolderTypeField,
  } satisfies FileRequestCopyRequestFolderField,
} satisfies FileRequestCopyRequest);
Python Gen
    CreateFileRequestCopyFolder(, type=CreateFileRequestCopyFolderTypeField.FOLDER
.NET Gen
await client.FileRequests.CreateFileRequestCopyAsync(fileRequestId: fileRequestId, requestBody: new FileRequestCopyRequest(folder: new FileRequestCopyRequestFolderField(id: fileRequest.Folder.Id) { Type = FileRequestCopyRequestFolderTypeField.Folder }));
Swift Gen (Beta)
try await client.fileRequests.createFileRequestCopy(fileRequestId: fileRequestId, requestBody: FileRequestCopyRequest(folder: FileRequestCopyRequestFolderField(id:, type: FileRequestCopyRequestFolderTypeField.folder)))
Java Gen (Beta)
client.getFileRequests().createFileRequestCopy(fileRequestId, new FileRequestCopyRequest(new FileRequestCopyRequestFolderField.FileRequestCopyRequestFolderFieldBuilder(fileRequest.getFolder().getId()).type(FileRequestCopyRequestFolderTypeField.FOLDER).build()))
BoxFileRequest fileRequest = new BoxFileRequest(api, "id");
BoxFileRequest.Info fileRequestInfo = Info();
fileRequestInfo.setDescription("Following documents are requested for your process");
fileRequestInfo = fileRequest.copyInfo(fileRequestInfo, "folderId");
file_request = client.file_request(file_request_id='123456')
folder = client.folder(folder_id='123456789')
new_file_request = file_request.copy(folder=folder, title="Copied file request")
var destinationFolder = new BoxRequestEntity
    Id = "123456",
    Type = BoxType.folder

var copyRequest = new BoxFileRequestCopyRequest
    Description = "New file request description",
    Folder = destinationFolder

BoxFileRequestObject fileRequest = await client.FileRequestsManager.CopyFileRequestAsync("12345", copyRequest);
client.fileRequests.copy(fileRequestId, {
  folder: {
    id: '157979815648',
    type: 'folder'
}).then((r: FileRequest) => {
  // do something with the copied file request 
let destinationFolder = FolderEntity(id: "33333")

let copyRequest = FileRequestCopyRequest(
    title: "New file request title",
    description: "New file request description",
    isEmailRequired: true,
    isDescriptionRequired: false,
    folder: destinationFolder

client.fileRequests.copy(fileRequestId: "123456", copyRequest: copyRequest) { result in
    guard case let .success(fileRequest) = result else {
        print("Error copying file request")
    print("Copied file request title: \(fileRequest.title ?? "n/a"), description: \(fileRequest.description ?? "n/a")")

The ID of a folder and file request can be determined by visiting the Box web app and inspecting the URL.

The folder ID is the number at the end of the URL when visiting a folder, for example is the URL for the folder with ID 123.

For a file request, please check our guide on setting up a file request template to learn how to determine a file request ID.

Updating a file request on copy

It is possible to make some basic changes to a file request when copying from a template. The file request's title, description, status and a few more other settings can be updated when the file request is copied from the template.

curl -i -X POST "" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>" \
    -d '{
      "title": "Please upload required documents",
      "description": "Please upload required documents",
      "status": "active",
      "is_email_required": true,
      "is_description_required": false,
      "folder": {
        "id": "342323423"

For more details on the different fields that can be updated when creating a template, please see the reference documentation for the POST /file-requests/:id/copy API.