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Download ZIP Archive

Guides Downloads Download ZIP Archive
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Download ZIP Archive

To download all files in a folder or an entire folder structure, you have to create and download a ZIP archive.

Create a ZIP Archive

First, you need to create a ZIP archive containing the files or the folder structure. You can include up to 10,000 file and folder IDs unless you reach the account’s upload limit.

curl -i -X POST "" \
     -H "authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>" \
     -d '{
       "download_file_name": "January Financials",
       "items": [
           "type": "file",
           "id": "12345"
           "type": "file",
           "id": "34325"
           "type": "folder",
           "id": "45678"
ArrayList<BoxZipItem> items = new ArrayList<BoxZipItem>();
BoxZipItem file = new BoxZipItem("file", "12345");
BoxZipItem folder = new BoxZipItem("folder", "156472");
BoxZip zip = new BoxZip(api);
BoxZipInfo zipInfo = zip.create("Awesome Zip File", items);
var name = 'test',
items = [
		type: 'file',
		id: '466239504569'
		type: 'folder',
		id: '466239504580'
client.files.createZip(name, items)
	.then(zip => {
		/* zip -> {
				"download_url": "",
				"status_url": "",
				"expires_at": "2018-04-25T11:00:18-07:00",
				"name_conflicts": [
							"id": "100",
							"type": "file",
							"original_name": "salary.pdf",
							"download_name": "aqc823.pdf"
							"id": "200",
							"type": "file",
							"original_name": "salary.pdf",
							"download_name": "aci23s.pdf"
							"id": "1000",
							"type": "folder",
							"original_name": "employees",
							"download_name": "3d366a_employees"
							"id": "2000",
							"type": "folder",
							"original_name": "employees",
							"download_name": "3aa6a7_employees"

The response will look similar to the following:


Extract the ZIP download ID

To download the ZIP archive, you need the ZIP download ID. You can find it in the response you got when you created the archive.

Go to status_url and copy the ID located betweenzip_downloads and content:


Download URL is valid only for a the time specified in expires_at parameter.

Download files

Place the download ID in the file location URL as in the sample below to point to the right files.

curl -L GET "" \
     -H "authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>" \
BoxZipRequest request = new BoxZipRequest();
request.Name = "test";
request.Items = new List<BoxZipItemRequest>();

var file = new BoxZipRequestItem()
    Id = "466239504569",
    Type = BoxZipItemType.file
var folder = new BoxZipRequestItem()
    Id = "466239504580",
    Type = BoxZipItemType.folder
Stream fs = new FileStream(@"c:\temp\");

BoxZipDownloadStatus status = await _filesManager.DownloadZip(request, fs);
ArrayList<BoxZipItem> items = new ArrayList<BoxZipItem>();
BoxZipItem file = new BoxZipItem("file", "12345");
BoxZipItem folder = new BoxZipItem("folder", "156472");
BoxZip zip = new BoxZip(api);
FileOutputStream stream = new FileOutputStream();
BoxZipDownloadStatus zipDownloadStatus ="Another Awesome Zip File", items, stream);
if (zipDownloadStatus.getState() == BoxZipDownloadStatus.State.SUCCEEDED) {
    System.out.println("Zip downloaded successfully");
name = 'test'
file = mock_client.file('466239504569')
folder = mock_client.folder('466239504580')
items = [file, folder]
output_file = open('', 'wb')
status = client.download_zip(name, items, output_file)
print(f'The status of the zip download is {status["state"]}')
var name = 'test',
items = [
		type: 'file',
		id: '466239504569'
		type: 'folder',
		id: '466239504580'
stream = new Readable();
client.files.downloadZip(name, items, stream)
	.then(status => {
		/* status -> {
				"total_file_count": 20,
				"downloaded_file_count": 10,
				"skipped_file_count": 10,
				"skipped_folder_count": 10,
				"state": "succeeded"

For downloads that take longer, you can monitor the download status using the status endpoint. This allows you to inspect the progress of the download as well as the number of items that might have been skipped.

curl -i -X GET "" \
     -H "authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>"

If you want to use SDKs to download the contents of the folder, follow this guide.