Box Developer Documentation

Update Teams integration mapping


This endpoint is in the version 2024.0. No changes are required to continue using it. For more details, see Box API versioning.

Updates a Teams integration mapping. Supports updating the Box folder ID and options. You need Admin or Co-Admin role to use this endpoint.



Path Parameters

stringin pathrequired

An ID of an integration mapping

Request Body

objectin body

The Box folder, to which the object from the partner app domain is mapped

stringin bodyoptional

ID of the folder

stringin bodyoptional


Value is always folder


Returns the updated integration mapping object.

application/jsonClient error

Returns a bad_request if an incorrect options was supplied or the Box folder cannot be mapped to this partner_item. Error codes:

  • SERVICE_ACCOUNT_IS_NOT_A_COOWNER_OR_OWNER - service account doesn't have co-owner collaboration or is not an owner of the box_item_id,
  • BOX_FOLDER_EXTERNALLY_OWNED - Box folder must be internally owned to the admin's enterprise,
  • FOLDER_ALREADY_MAPPED - Box folder must not be mapped to another integration mapping.
application/jsonClient error

Returns not_found if integration mapping object was not found.

application/jsonClient error

An unexpected client error.

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Request Example

TypeScript Gen
await userClient.integrationMappings.updateTeamsIntegrationMappingById(
    requestBody: {
      boxItem: new FolderReference({ id: '1234567' }),
    } satisfies UpdateTeamsIntegrationMappingByIdRequestBody,
  } satisfies UpdateTeamsIntegrationMappingByIdOptionalsInput,
.NET Gen
await userClient.IntegrationMappings.UpdateTeamsIntegrationMappingByIdAsync(integrationMappingId: integrationMappingId, requestBody: new UpdateTeamsIntegrationMappingByIdRequestBody() { BoxItem = new FolderReference(id: "1234567") });
Java Gen (Beta)
userClient.getIntegrationMappings().updateTeamsIntegrationMappingById(integrationMappingId, new UpdateTeamsIntegrationMappingByIdRequestBody.UpdateTeamsIntegrationMappingByIdRequestBodyBuilder().boxItem(new FolderReference("1234567")).build())

Response Example

  "id": "12345",
  "type": "integration_mapping",
  "box_item": {
    "id": "42037322",
    "type": "folder"
  "created_at": "2012-12-12T10:53:43-08:00",
  "integration_type": "teams",
  "is_overridden_by_manual_mapping": true,
  "modified_at": "2012-12-12T10:53:43-08:00",
  "partner_item": {
    "id": "19%3ABCD-Avgfggkggyftdtfgghjhkhkhh%40thread:tacv2",
    "type": "channel",
    "team_id": "hjgjgjg-bhhj-564a-b643-hghgj685u",
    "tenant_id": "E1234567"